Limited Editions

La Dolce Vita is an Italian wine bar in Temple Bar, Dublin. Shapiro made these photos during October, 2014. Sixty pages, 8x10. Forty dollars plus shipping.

Shapiro made these photos on the Pine Ridge Reservation between 2000 and 2006. Forty-six pages, 8x8. Forty dollars plus shipping.

For this book, Rodeo Cowboys, Shapiro embedded himself in a rodeo company in the Midwest. While my original idea was to capture the angles made by the juxtaposition of legs of horses, cattle, and cowboys, I soon found myself among a large, close-knit family of rodeo workers, cowboys. I began making pictures of them all at work and rest. Fifty-six pages, 8x8. Forty dollars plus shipping.

Concepts, How Pictures Mean, is a limited edition (25) handmade Japanese style folder book with ribbon closures. Twenty-seven 8”x 24” pages with three pictures per page. Through the juxtaposition of the photos on each page, Concepts, How Pictures Mean guides the viewer through ideas about making and looking at photographs. $250 plus shipping.